

题   目Symmetry results for entire solutions of a biharmonic equation with exponential nonlinearity

报  告 人 周风  教授


时   间929日(星期四),下午1500—1600

地   点:九龙湖校区数学系第一报告厅

摘   要 We obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for an entire solution  of a biharmonic equation with exponential nonlinearity to be radially symmetric. We give the asymptotic expansions of the solution and its laplacian at infinite and then apply the moving plane method for a system of equations. We give also a short survey on the structure of solutions set on this type of equations.

报告人简介:周风,华东师范大学数学教授, 研究方向为非线性分析与偏微分方程, 擅长单调算子理论,凸分析、对偶理论及其在非线性偏微 分方程中的应用,在几何、数学物理中若干非线性偏微分方程问题研究方面取得了突出的成就,成果发表在 CPAMC. R. Math. Acad. Sci. ParisAnn. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non LinéaireJ. Differential EquationsJ. Funct. Anal.Calc. Var. PDE等一系列高水平杂志。