
  • 个人简介

    非线性抛物型方程定性性质研究,特别是非局部热方程的有限时刻爆破性质,包括爆破点集、爆破速率等。在一类指数型热方程的研究中揭示了新的爆破点集模式,被审稿人称为“十五年来一个真正的新现象”。在European J. Appl. Math.、J. Differential Equations、Math. Methods Appl. Sci.、Appl. Anal.、Bull. Math. Sci.、ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech.、Nonlinear Anal.、J. Math. Anal. Appl. 等国际重要SCI杂志发表论文35篇,MathScinet 统计引用 124 次。

    陈义超、 赵刚、侯艳华、曾维理(南京航空航天大学教授)、 薛莉、张伟娜、陈淼超、陆生琪、 孙文霞、唐树乔、郭彦、 石路路、 胡乐

    1991年7月-2002年9月 南京金陵科技学院教师
    2004年5月-2006年5月 南京师范大学数学科学学院博士后
    2006年12月-2008年12月 上海交通大学数学科学学院博士后,出站时被评为优秀博士后
    2002年9月-2004年4月 东南大学数学学院讲师
    2004年4月至今 东南大学数学学院副教授
    2005年10月至今 东南大学数学学院硕士生导师

    1988年9月-1991年7月 安徽师范大学数学系攻读硕士学位
    2000年2月-2002年12月 南京大学数学系攻读博士学位
  • 文章目录


    Chen, Miaochao; Lu, Shengqi; Liu, Qilin, A blow-up criterion to a Keller-Segel system coupled with the Euler fluid, Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 46 (2023), no. 6, 6359-6367.

    Chen, Miaochao; Chen, Fangqi; Lu, Shengqi; Liu, Qilin, Blow-up criteria for a Keller-Segel-Navier-Stokes system in a bounded domain, Appl. Math. Lett. 139 (2023), Paper No. 108536, 8 pp.

    Chen, Miaochao; Lu, Shengqi; Liu, Qilin, Uniqueness of weak solutions to a Keller-Segel-Navier-Stokes model with a logistic source, Appl. Math. 67 (2022), no. 1, 93-101.

    Lu, Shengqi; Chen, Miaochao; Liu, Qilin, Global well-posedness of axially symmetric weak solutions to the Ginzburg-Landau model in superconductivity, Appl. Anal. 100 (2021), no. 10, 2163-2169.

    Chen, Miaochao; Lu, Shengqi; Liu, Qilin, Uniqueness of weak solutions to a Keller-Segel-Navier-Stokes system, Appl. Math. Lett. 121 (2021), Paper No. 107417, 7 pp.

    Lu, Sheng Qi; Chen, Miao Chao; Liu, Qi Lin, lobal existence of weak solutions to a 3D Keller-Segel-Navier-Stokes system, Acta Math. Sinica (Chinese Ser.) 63 (2020), no. 5, 495-504.

    Chen, Miaochao; Lu, Shengqi; Liu, Qilin, niform regularity for a Keller-Segel-Navier-Stokes system, Appl. Math. Lett. 107 (2020), 106476, 7 pp.

    Lu, Shengqi; Chen, Miaochao; Liu, Qilin, A nonlinear inverse problem of the Korteweg–de Vries equation, Bull. Math. Sci. 9 (2019), no. 3, 1950014, 11 pp.

    Lu, Shengqi; Chen, Miaochao; Liu, Qilin, n regularity for an Ericksen-Leslie's parabolic-hyperbolic liquid crystals model, ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 98 (2018), no. 9, 1574-1584.

    Chen, Miao-chao; Lu, Sheng-qi; Liu, Qi-lin, Global regularity for a 2D model of electro-kinetic fluid in a bounded domain, Acta Math. Appl. Sin. Engl. Ser. 34 (2018), no. 2, 398-403.

    Chen, Miaochao; Liu, Qilin, Blow-up criteria of smooth solutions to a 3D model of electro-kinetic fluids in a bounded domain, Electron. J. Differential Equations 2016, Paper No. 128, 8 pp.

    Liang, Fei; Liu, Qi Lin; Li, Yu Xiang, On a nonlocal problem modelling Ohmic heating in planar domains, Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) 29 (2013), no. 3, 523-534.

    Zeng, Weili; Lu, Xiaobo; Liu, Qilin, Uniform blow-up rate for a porous medium equation with a weighted localized source, Bound. Value Probl. 2011, 2011:57, 10 pp.

    Liu, Qilin; Chen, Yichao; Lu, Shengqi, Uniform blow-up profiles for nonlinear and nonlocal reaction-diffusion equations, Nonlinear Anal. 71 (2009), no. 5-6, 1572-1583.

    Qilin, Liu; Fei, Liang; Li, Yuxiang, Asymptotic behaviour for a non-local parabolic problem, European J. Appl. Math. 20 (2009), no. 3, 247-267.

    Chen, Youpeng; Liu, Qilin; Gao, Hongjun, Boundedness of global positive solutions of a porous medium equation with a moving localized source, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 333 (2007), no. 2, 1008-1023.

    Liu, Qilin; Li, Yuxiang; Gao, Hongjun, Uniform blow-up rate for diffusion equations with nonlocal nonlinear source, Nonlinear Anal. 67 (2007), no. 6, 1947-1957.

    Liu, Qilin; Li, Yuxiang; Gao, Hongjun, Uniform blow-up rate for a nonlocal degenerate parabolic equations, Nonlinear Anal. 66 (2007), no. 4, 881-889.

    Liu, Qi Lin; Li, Yu Xiang; Gao, Hong Jun, Blow-up property for a reaction-diffusion system with nonlocal sources, Acta Math. Sinica (Chinese Ser.) 49 (2006), no. 4, 869-882.

    Liu, Qi Lin, Uniform blow-up rates for diffusion equations with nonlocal source, Acta Math. Sci. Ser. A (Chinese Ed.) 26 (2006), no. 3, 440-448.

    Liu, Qilin; Li, Yuxiang; Gao, Hongjun, Uniform blow-up rate for diffusion equations with localized nonlinear source, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 320 (2006), no. 2, 771-778.

    Chen, Youpeng; Liu, Qilin; Gao, Hongjun, Boundedness of global solutions of a porous medium equation with a localized source, Nonlinear Anal. 64 (2006), no. 10, 2168-2182.

    Liu, Qilin; Xie, Chunhong; Chen, Songlin,  Global blowup and blowup rate estimates of solutions for a class of nonlinear non-local reaction-diffusion problems, Acta Math. Sci. Ser. B (Engl. Ed.) 24 (2004), no. 2, 259-264.

    Chen, Youpeng; Liu, Qilin; Xie, Chunhong, Blow-up for degenerate parabolic equations with nonlocal source, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 132 (2004), no. 1, 135-145.

    Liu, Qilin; Xin, Yening, The blow up property of solution to some Cauchy problem, Nanjing Daxue Xuebao Shuxue Bannian Kan 20 (2003), no. 2, 169-175.

    Liu, Qi Lin; Li, Yu Xiang; Xie, Chun Hong, Blow-up of solutions to a degenerate parabolic equation with localized nonlinear reactions, Acta Math. Sinica (Chinese Ser.) 46 (2003), no. 6, 1135–1142.

    Deng, Wei Bing; Liu, Qi Lin; Xie, Chun Hong, Blowup properties for a class of nonlinear degenerate diffusion equation with nonlocal source, Appl. Math. Mech. 24 (2003), no. 11, 1204-1210; Appl. Math. Mech. (English Ed.) 24 (2003), no. 11, 1362-1368.

    Liu, Qi Lin; Deng, Wei Bing; Xie, Chun Hong, Existence, uniqueness and blow-up rate of solutions for degenerate parabolic equations, Acta Math. Sinica (Chinese Ser.) 46 (2003), no. 4, 775-784.

    Liu, Qilin; Chen, Youpeng; Xie, Chunhong, Blow-up for a degenerate parabolic equation with a nonlocal source, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 285 (2003), no. 2, 487-505.

    Li, Fu Cai; Liu, Qi Lin; Xie, Chun Hong, Blow-up for degenerate semilinear parabolic equations with a nonlocal source, Acta Math. Sinica (Chinese Ser.) 46 (2003), no. 2, 391-396.

    Li, Yuxiang; Liu, Qilin; Xie, Chunhong, Semilinear reaction-diffusion systems of several components, J. Differential Equations 187 (2003), no. 2, 510-519.

    Chen, Youpeng; Liu, Qilin; Xie, Chunhong, The blow-up properties for a degenerate semilinear parabolic equation with nonlocal source, Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B 17 (2002), no. 4, 413-424.

    Liu, Qi Lin; Mo, Jia Qi, The asymptotic behavior of solution for the singularly perturbed initial boundary value problems of the reaction diffusion equations in a part of domain, Appl. Math. Mech. 22 (2001), no. 10, 1075-1080; Appl. Math. Mech. (English Ed.) 22 (2001), no. 10, 1192-1197.

    Mo, Jia Qi; Liu, Qi Lin, Singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion systems with nonlocal boundary conditions, J. Math. Res. Exposition 17 (1997), no. 3, 451-454.

    Liu, Qi Lin, Asymptotic expansions of solutions to a class of second-order nonlinear singularly perturbed boundary value problems, Gaoxiao Yingyong Shuxue Xuebao Ser. A 8 (1993), no. 3, 231-238.

  • 2020年获得教育部自然科学奖二等奖。