
  • 个人简介

    陶为润,1992年生,东南大学数学学院上岗副研究员。主要研究方向为偏微分方程及其应用,具体包括生物趋化模型、趋化流体模型和捕食模型等。已发表文章十余篇,部分结果发表 European Journal of Applied Mathematics、J. Differential Equations、Studies in Applied Mathematics、Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 等国际期刊。主持在研国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目1项,完成中国博士后科学基金项目1项。


    2010.09-2014.06       东南大学数学学院,数学与应用数学专业

    2014.09-2020.06      东南大学数学学院,数学专业

    2018.10-2019.10        德国帕德博恩大学数学系,数学专业


    2020.06-2021.05       重庆大学数学与统计学院,弘深博士后

    2021.05-2023.05       香港理工大学应用数学系,博士后

    2023.05-2024.08      香港理工大学应用数学系,博士后 (Centrally Funded Postdoctoral Fellowship)

    2024.08 至今             东南大学数学学院,上岗副研究员
  • 学术论文(发表/接收

    1. Xu Pan, Chunlai Mu, Weirun Tao. Global dynamics and spatiotemporal patterns of a two-species chemotaxis system with chemical signaling loop and Lotka–Volterra competitionStudies in Applied Mathematics, DOI: 10.1111/sapm.12746, 2024.

    2. Weirun Tao, Zhi-An Wang, Wen Yang. Global dynamics of a two-species clustering model with Lotka-Volterra competition. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, 31(4): 1–42, 2024.

    3. Chunlai Mu, Weirun Tao, Zhi-An Wang. Global dynamics and spatiotemporal heterogeneity of a prey-taxis model with prey-induced acceleration. European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 1–33, 2024.

    4. Xu Pan, Chunlai Mu, Weirun Tao. On the strongly competitive case in a fully parabolic two-species chemotaxis system with Lotka-Volterra competitive kinetics. Journal of Differential Equations, 354:90–132, 2023.

    5. Chunlai Mu, Weirun Tao. Stabilization and pattern formation in chemotaxis models with acceleration and logistic source. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 20(2):2011–2038, 2022.

    6. Weirun Tao, Zhi-An Wang. On a new type of chemotaxis model with acceleration. Communications in Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 1(2):319–344, 2022.

    7. Weirun Tao. Eventual smoothness and stabilization of renormalized radial solutions in a chemotaxis consumption system with bounded chemotactic sensitivity. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 71(2):Paper No. 68, 31, 2020.

    8. Weirun Tao, Yuxiang Li. Boundedness of weak solutions of a chemotaxis-Stokes system with slow p-Laplacian diffusion. Journal of Differential Equations, 268(11):6872–6919, 2020.

    9. Qingshan Zhang, Weirun Tao. Boundedness and stabilization in a two-species chemotaxis system with signal absorption. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 78(8):2672–2681, 2019.

    10. Weirun Tao, Yuxiang Li. Global weak solutions for the three-dimensional chemotaxis-Navier-Stokes system with slow p-Laplacian diffusion. Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications, 45:26–52, 2019.

    11. Heng-Ling Wang, Wei-Run Tao, Xiao-Liu Wang. Finite-time blow-up and global convergence of solutions to a nonlocal parabolic equation with conserved spatial integral. Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications, 40:55–63, 2018.


    1. W. Tao and Z.A. Wang, Global boundedness and Turing-Hopf bifurcation of prey-taxis systems with hunting cooperation, Submitted, 2024.

    2. Y. Lou, W. Tao and Z.A. Wang, Effects and biological consequences of the predator-mediated apparent competition I: ODE models, Submitted, 2024.

  • 主持项目



  • 美国数学会《数学评论》(Mathematical Reviews)评论员。