Statistics and Actuarial Department
  • Research interests: (Gaussian or Non-Gaussian) Stochastic Hamiltonian systems
  • [1]     P. Wei, Y. Chao and J. Duan, Hamiltonian systems with Lévy noise: Symplecticity, Hamilton’s principle and averaging principle, Physica D, 2019, 398: 69-83.

    [2]     Y. Chao, P. Wei and S. Yuan, Invariant foliations for stochastic dynamical systems with multiplicative stable Lévy noise, Electron. J. Differ. Eq., 2019, 68: 1-21.

    [3]     Y. Chao, P. Wei and J. Duan, The role of slow manifolds in parameter estimation for a multiscale stochastic system with α-stable Lévy noise, J.Math.Phys., 2020, 61(7): 072701.

    [4]     D. Tesfay, P. Wei, Y. Zheng, J. Duan and J. Kurths, Transitions between metastable states in a simplified model for the thermohaline circulation under random fluctuations, Appl. Math. Comput., 2020, 369: 124868.

    [5]     P. Wei and Z. Wang, Formulation of stochastic contact Hamiltonian systems, Chaos, 2021, 31: 041101.

    [6]     A. Tsiairis, P. Wei, Y. Chao and J. Duan, Maximal likely phase lines for a reduced ice growth model, Physica A, 2021, 569: 125749.

    [7]     Y. Chao, P. Wei and J. Duan, Lyapunov exponents for Hamiltonian systems under small Lévy-type perturbations, Chaos, 2021, 31: 081101.

    [8]     Y. Chao, J. Duan and P. Wei, Small-noise-induced metastable transition of periodically perturbed systems, SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 2024, 23(1): 961-981.

    [9]     L. Sun, P. Wei, J. Zhou and X. Zhou, Time-dependent ROC curves for multiple longitudinal biomarkers and its application in diagnosing cardiovascular diseases, Statistics in Medicine, 2025, 44(5): e10318.

  • 1. Awarded a fellowship from China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Grant No. 2022M72xxxx, 2022.

    2. Awarded a fellowship from China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Grant No. 2022TQxxxx, 2022.

    3. Awarded Technological Innovation Fund in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Grant No. HUST 500301xxxx, 2017.

    • 2024.05 - present: Invited Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews of the American Mathematical Society.