1. Weighted Composition Operators of into -Bloch Spaces on the Unit Ball, Acta Mathematica Sinica(English series),2009,25(2),265-278.
2. 单位球上加权Bergman空间到-Bloch空间的加权复合算子, 数学学报,2009,52(1),153-162.
3. Boundedness from below of multiplication operators between -Bloch spaces on the unit ball,Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2010,30B(5):1691-1630.
4. Equivalent characterizations of α-Bloch functions on the unit ball,Acta Mathematica Sinica(English series),27(12),2395-2408.
5. Boundedness from below of multiplication operators between -Bloch spaces Canada Math. Bulletin 53(1),2010March,23-36.