学术报告:2021年 04月24日 10:00-11:00,东北大学-杨云


题目:Geometric flow and applications for invariants in affine-related geometry

报告人:杨云 东北大学


时间:2021/04/24 10:00-11:00

会议 ID955 706 189



摘要:In this talk, we will present the fundamental structure equations, invariant geometric flow for curves and hypersurfaces under affine-related transformation. On the other hand, we will show some applications of affine-related invariants in computer vision and fractals.

The centro-affine invariants are applied to develop an invariant algorithm to match features of objects appearing in images. A point-set similarity model (PSM) is introduced, which provides a new elastic point set registration frame by using similarity invariant signature curves.