孙烨,东南大学数学学院系统科学系副研究员。博士毕业于英国伦敦玛丽女王大学数学学院应用数学专业,曾在伦敦大学学院计算机学院担任Research Fellow,研究方向主要为科学学、复杂网络、计算社会科学和数据科学。目前的研究兴趣主要是基于大规模的科学数据,量化分析不同学科,研究机构以及研究人员之间的知识流动和创新,刻画科学家的跨学科研究模式和行为特征,揭示科学领域内的学术不平的现象和起源,其工作发表于Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Communications Physics, Journal of The Royal Society Interface等国际知名期刊,其研究成果受到Science专栏、Times Higher Education、新华社等国内外高影响力媒体的广泛报道。
学术论文(发表) Ye Sun, Fabio Caccioli, Xiancheng Li and Giacomo Livan (2024), The academic Great Gatsby Curve. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 21 (217), 20240173 Ye Sun, Fabio Caccioli, Giacomo Livan (2023), Ranking mobility and impact inequality in early academic careers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (34): e2305196120. Ye Sun, Giacomo Livan, Athen Ma, Vito Latora (2021), Interdisciplinary researchers attain better long-term funding performance. Communications Physics 4(1), 263. Ye Sun, Vito Latora (2020), The evolution of knowledge within and across fields in modern physics. Scientific Reports 10, 12097. Ye Sun, Long Ma, An Zeng, Wen-Xu Wang(2016), Spreading to localized targets in complex networks, Scientific Reports 6, 38865. Ye Sun, Chuang Liu, Chu-Xu Zhang, Zi-Ke Zhang (2014), Epidemic spreading on weighted complex networks, Physics Letters A 378(7): 635-640.
Yanmeng Xing, Ye Sun*, Tongxin Pan, Xianglong Liang, Giacomo Livan, and Yifang Ma*. Exaptation: Academic mentees' career pathway to be independent and impactful. arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.16992 (2024). Ye Sun, Athen Ma, Georg von Graevenitz and Vito Latora (2023), The Importance of Quality in Austere Times: University Competitiveness and Grant Income. arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.15309.