  • 研究方向:代数编码、代数数论。学位:博士。职务:东南大学数学学院基础数学系副主任。主持国家自然科学基金4项,发表多篇SCI论文。
    2008.6-至今 东南大学数学系
    2003.9-2008.6 南京大学数学系 硕博连读

  • 1. X. Wu*, Y. Q. Chen, Note on powers of 2 in sumsets, Applied Mathematics Letters(SCI), 25(2012), 923-936.

    2. Z. J. Zhao, X. Wu*, A Note on the genus of global function fields, Glasgow Mathematical Journal(SCI), 55(2013), 559-565.

    3. Z. J. Zhao*, X. WuOn the subfields of cyclotomic function fields, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal(SCI), 63(138)(2013), 799-803.


    4. X. Wu, Z. J. Zhao*, Reflection theorems and the tame kernel of a number field F, Communications in Algebra(SCI), 42(2014)2779-2787.


    5. X. Wu*, The tame kernels of multi-cyclic number fields,the Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (SCI), 37(2014) 813-817.


    6. X. Wu*, Optimal Energy-Efficient Sensing and Power Allocation in Cognitive Radio NetworksMathematical Problems in EngineeringSCI,(2014),1-7


    7. X. Wu*, Optimal energy-efficient sensing in cooperative cognitive radio networks, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking(SCI),173(2014),1-10.

    8. X. Wu*, Yan Qin, Rational points of elliptic curve y^2 = x^3 + k^3, Algebra ColloquiumSCI 25 : 1 (2018) 133–138

    9. X. Wu*, The 2-Sylow subgroup of K2OF for certain quadratic number fieldsThe Ramanujan Journal SCI542021: 463–473


    10. X. Wu,  W. Lu*, X. W. Cao, Two constructions of asymptotically optimal codebooks via the trace functionsCryptography and Communications 12(2020):11951211


    11. W. Lu, X. Wu*, X. W. Cao, Six constructions of asymptotically optimal codebooks via the character sums, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 88(2020) :1139–1158


    12. W. Lu, X. Wu*, X. W. Cao, The parameters of minimal linear codes, Finite Fields and Their Applications, 71(2011),701799


    13. X. Wu,  W. Lu*, X. W. Cao, Minimal Linear Codes Constructed from Functions, Cryptography and Communications, SCI),已接收


  • 1.2010.01-2010.12 国家自然科学基金天元基金 代数数论中的一些问题的研究 主持

    2.2014.01-2016.12 国家自然科学基金青年基金 代数K-理论中与Tame 核相关的问题的研究 主持

    3.2013.07-2015.07 博士后科学基金第53批面上资助 主持

    4.2014.07-2015.07 博士后科学基金第7批特别资助 主持

    5.2019.01-2023.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目 主持