Variform Exact One-Peakon Solutions for Some Singular Nonlinear Traveling Wave Equations of the First Kind


报告题目: Variform Exact One-Peakon Solutions for Some Singular Nonlinear Traveling Wave Equations of the First Kind
报 告 人: 李继彬 教授
报告时间: 6月5日下午3:30-4:30 pm
报告地点: 九龙湖数学系第一报告厅
相关介绍: Abstract: In this talk, we consider variform exact peakon solutions for four nonlinear wave equations. We show that under different parameter conditions, one nonlinear wave equation can have different exact one-peakon solutions and different nonlinear wave equations  can have different explicit exact one-peakon solutions. Namely, there are various exact explicit one-peakon solutions, which are different from the one-peakon solution $pe^{-\alpha|x-ct|}$. In fact, when a travelling system has a singular straight line  and a curve triangle surrounding a periodic annulus of a center under some parameter conditions, there must be peaked solitary wave solutions (peakons) appearing.
